What a
fucking day today.
It seems that every time stuff kinda works, and in any possible, logical way I want to built upon it to improve/update/refine, the rest
has to fail.
For two years, this Fedora 7 workstation served me well. It was so
bloated with the hundreds of libraries and concurrent applications running together than it has become a
dog, slow like hell on this otherwise upscale dualcore 2.66Ghz.
Time for an upgrade, and, what the heck, my little
Tropical Ice Cube http://tic.zenerves.net is here to provide me with all the l
atest software, isn't it?
There are myths out there, Distributions famous that you know if you "master" them you will be safe, and sound. And a little bit
proud, too.
Here is My
Fucking Failure List; All that in One
Single Afternoon, believe it or not:
Gentoo install: no X system, no graphic nothing then, no network. I knew it, though, it's not my first try. The last time, network was achieved with some nasty scripts... Can't remember...
SabayonLiveCD: knetworkmanager forces addresses
out of my ip range, lock them with
no option to define manually - a pity, looks superb, and comes with nvidia drivers, SecondLife, googleearth and other nasty goodies [assaultcube2 :) ].
Sabayon Install plain crashes "exception this/that"
CentOS Install fail to get the three other OS on this machine, graphic installer send my screen
haywire anyway. I don't want to ruin my boot partition, so didn't went any further.
Slackware, the so-introduced
"Main Workstation @ tropical central":
no printer client running,
no microphone,
no webcam - the gspca maintainer hasn't been seen on his sourceforge page since at least 4 months, why the heck is this module compiling fine on Fedora 7 (a hog) and not on Slackware, the supposedly Ultimate Compiler Machine? Then, I realised that the firewall is
wide open with not the slightest GUI in sight from the
over-bloated KDE control Centre (unlike SuSE) and what else? There were things that worked out-of-the-box: Flash on Youtube, DVD playing...
Shitte, I almost mistook the Old Slack for
Linux Mint here. Is it really supposed to be failing to connect to a cups server, but allow you spend your afternoon whatching
http://www.europafilmtreasures.fr/PY/298/ ? And I am still doing a
non-gaphic login, on top of that, after switching to runlevel
THEN, one "customer" from yellowpages calls to complain about his ubuntu install:
no automatic way to hook to SAMBA network share when he boots his computer;
no SAMBA printer in view either. Sent him on the PPLUG list,
http://groups.google.com/group/pplug, said he should ask there since I, for one,
know I can't help. Especially, today.
And I am
out of bandwidth for the whole month with all this twitteries & facebookage and bloggerish you are supposed to do to be in the loop.
Long Life Free Software, Freedom to Damn Yourself to the teeth in half-breed libraries, unsupported hardware and arcane text-file-based unix-like-20-years-ago Operating Sytems.